Thorn: Great Wolves Motorcycle Romance by Blue Jayne

Thorn: Great Wolves Motorcycle Romance by Blue Jayne

Author:Blue, Jayne
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-11-11T16:00:00+00:00



Shit was going right. It was all clicking.

I felt like a giant with Rose by my side and on my bike. We spent the days making connections with clubs and the nights making love. She blew my mind every time.

And as far as I was concerned, the woman was good luck. After the disaster that was the Indiana Viper Crew, we were finally making headway.

We’d skirted around the Indiana Viper Crew territory, we’d gotten close, but not close enough to cause a war with them. They’d find out soon enough we’d secured alliances and, in some cases, new Great Wolves into the fold.

I checked in with Ridge to get him up to speed on our successes.

“We’re up, based on your estimate, three new crews, and they know they have a home here at HQ if they take the oath?”


“Good, get back soon then. The mission is officially a success. Good work.”

“Gotcha, and thank you.”

We hadn’t slept much since we’d been out on the road and as much as I wanted to stay on my bike with Rose on the back, I knew Ridge was right. We had done a lot, but if we kept stirring shit up, it could go south.

We’d pushed it as far as we could for this trip. The next step would be assimilating the new members and turning a patchwork quilt of clubs into one chapter.

We had camped as close as we could to the Indiana Viper territory and it was time to bug out and head back to Stickney Forest.

I put the word out to Kase after my call with Ridge that we were ready to go home, and we all began packing up. That’s when the sound of a motorcycle had us all instantly putting up our guard.

“We don’t have any more meets set up, look alive,” Brogan said, and I looked for Rose. If there was trouble, I didn’t want her in the middle of it.

I didn’t see her. Shit, she was over at the campsite shower area, last time I’d had eyes on her. I’d have to hope that she’d stay there because the lone rider now commanded my complete attention.

As he got closer, it was clear; this was no stranger. Brogan and Kase grabbed the weapons they carried, and I put a hand up.

“Stand down, be ready, but stand down.” I didn’t want this turning into a fucking blood bath. I didn’t want all our work to secure peaceful allies to turn into a fucking tragedy.

“Kase, go find Rose, keep her out of sight.” Kase nodded and headed out.

The last time we saw Titus, I took a bullet.

Titus came in fast on his Harley and we surrounded him as he rolled to a stop. He turned off his engine and we waited.

I stepped forward and he put his hands up in the air.

“Look, I know there’s bad blood. But I heard you were near Indiana Viper Crew territory.”

“Why don’t we shoot you on sight like you did to us?” Brogan said. I wished he would shut up.


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